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So far admin has created 66 blog entries.

Rainbow lorikeet


RAINBOW LORIKEET Trichoglossus moluccanus Its tongue is covered with corneal papillae, allowing it to collect nectar. FOOD : Fruits, berries, nectar. THREATS : Habitat destruction, pet trade. MORE INFO : Family : Psittacoidea Habits : gregarious Egg-laying : 2 to 3 [...]

Maned Wolf


MANED WOLF Chrysocyon brachyurus     It’s the biggest canid of South America ! It can oversee pampa’s long grass thanks to its long legs.   WEIGHT : 23 kg It’s the biggest canine of South America ! FOOD : [...]

Lemur Catta


LEMUR CATTA Lemur catta During “smell fights”, males shake their tail on top of their head to secrete smell. WEIGHT : 3 kg FOOD : Fruits & insects THREATS : Poaching (meat and illegal pet trade), deforestation (pasture and charcoal). [...]

African penguin


AFRICAN PENGUIN Spheniscus demersus   Unlike auks or "pingouins", penguins  do not fly. WEIGHT : 3 kg FOOD : Small fish THREATS : Pollution, reduction of food (overfishing). ECO-GESTURE : Buy MSC (Marine Stewardship Council) certified fish, which uses environmentally-friendly fishing [...]

Dwarf mangoose


DWARF MANGOOSE Helogale parvula As its name suggests, it is the smallest species of mangoose. It is also the smallest carnivore of Africa.   WEIGHT : 210 to 350 g FOOD : Ruddents, insects, scorpions, reptiles… MORE INFO : Family : Herpestidae Gestation : 55 days [...]

Red Panda


RED PANDA Ailurus fulgens     The Red Panda is listed on the IUCN Red List as an “endangered” species. Since 2013, Les Sables Zoo has been subsidizing the salary of a forest ranger in Nepal every year through [...]

Red river hog


RED RIVER HOG Potamochoerus porcus African cousin of the wild boar, it uses its tusks to turn the ground and defend itself. Its massive body allows it to force the passage in bushes. WEIGHT : 45 to 115 kg FOOD : Grass, fruits, roots, insects, [...]

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