White-faced saki
WHITE-FACED SAKI Pithecia pithecia The female is completely grey and the male is black with a white face. WEIGHT : 1 to 2 kg FOOD : Fruits, seeds, insects THREATS : Poaching, deforestation ECO-GESTURE : A tree is [...]
WHITE-FACED SAKI Pithecia pithecia The female is completely grey and the male is black with a white face. WEIGHT : 1 to 2 kg FOOD : Fruits, seeds, insects THREATS : Poaching, deforestation ECO-GESTURE : A tree is [...]
SURICATE Suricata suricatta There is always one who stands sentry in a group. WEIGHT : 600 g to 1 kg FOOD : Lizards, spiders, mice, roots ECO-GESTURE : Save water by closing the tap while brushing your teeth. Take [...]
COTTON-TOP TAMARIN Saguinus oedipus The tamarin’s tail is twice or three times longer than its body. Therefore, it has a great balance. WEIGHT : 400 g FOOD : Fruits, beetles … and gum from trees. THREATS : Deforestation [...]
LOWLAND TAPIR Tapirus terrestris It is the biggest mammal in South America ! WEIGHT : 225 to 300 kg FOOD : Leaves and fruits THREATS : Deforestation, poaching (meat). ECO-GESTURE : Let’s verify the origin and certification of [...]
SOUTHERN THREE BANDED ARMADILLO Tolypeutes matacus Its shell is made up of articulated bony plates covered with horns. In case of danger, it is the only armadillo that can fold completely in a ball. WEIGHT : 1 to 2 [...]
RED RUFFED LEMUR Varecia rubra LLemurs are not monkeys ! They’re effectively primates but their evolution stopped before. Look closely at their muzzle, it’s longer ! WEIGHT : 3 to 4 kg FOOD : Fruits THREATS : [...]
AMUR LEOPARD Panthera pardus orientalis It is the most endangered species of leopard of the wolrd. Only 50 individuals are still surviving in the wild. WEIGHT : 25 to 48 kg FOOD : Deer, wild pigs, hares, [...]
VICUNA Vicugna vicugna It can run on rocks at a speed of 40km/h. It uses its long neck for balance. WEIGHT : 40 to 60 kg It is the smallest member of the camel family. FOOD : Plants THREATS : Poaching (wool), habitat destruction [...]
PARMA WALLABIES Notamacropus parma The Parma wallaby is the smallest wallaby of the Notamacropus genus. WEIGHT : 3 to 6 kg FOOD : Plants THREATS : Poaching (fur and meat), habitat destruction (bushfire), predation (introduced species). ECO-GESTURE : Like their predators, [...]
BLACK AND WHITE RUFFED LEMUR Varecia variegata variegata Contrarily to other primates, lemurs breed their babies in nests. WEIGHT : 3 to 4 kg FOOD : Fruits THREATS : Poaching (meat), deforestation (slash-and-burn agriculture). ECO-GESTURE : [...]