Ailurus fulgens
The Red Panda is listed on the IUCN Red List as an “endangered” species.
Since 2013, Les Sables Zoo has been subsidizing the salary of a forest ranger in Nepal every year through the Red Panda Network.
Created in 1997, this organization works for the preservation of red panda in Nepal according to 3 guidelines : scientific research with continuous monitoring of the population, training of local communities in monitoring and environmental education of the youngest .
If you would like to contribute to the red panda protection with Ecozoo Conservation, don’t hesitate to make a donation!
This carnivore eats bamboo because of the poverty of its environment.
WEIGHT : 3 to 6 kg
FOOD : Bamboo
THREATS : Deforestation (urbanization, agriculture and firewood), poaching (fur).
ECO-GESTURE : Reducing energy consumption enables to fight against global warming.
Shut off domestic appliance equipment instead of putting them into sleep mode.
Family : Ailuridae
Gestation : 130 days
Habits : solitary
Litter : 1 to 4 babies
Longevity : 15 years
CITES : Appendix IA